At Vynova, we firmly believe that how we act is just as important as what we do. 

Our company culture is based on four core values that form the foundation of how we behave, as an organisation and as individual Vynova employees:



These four values summarise how we behave and what is important in our company culture.

Vynova Connect


We are an organisation that’s built on connections between people.

Vynova Commit


An organisation where people are committed to delivering quality results.

Vynova Improve


An organisation where continuous improvement is key.

Vynova Respect


An organisation where we respect each other and our surroundings.


CONNECT is the first cornerstone of our foundation. With this, we are referring not just to the pipelines, shipping routes and railroads that physically connect all of our sites, but also to the meetings, collaborations, and other forms of communication that we share within our company and with the outside world.

When we connect, we listen, exchange expertise and learn from our diverse experiences. By doing so, we better understand the needs and requirements of our customers and other stakeholders.

Vynova Sales

I’m meeting with customers and colleagues all the time. Sharing experiences and listening are important parts of my job.

Joeri Vastmans
Product Manager Potassium Derivatives
Vynova Belgium


COMMIT is the second cornerstone of our foundation. We aim to be a reliable partner to our customers, suppliers and communities.

We can only do this by delivering quality services and products and by living up to our promises.

Vynova Engineer

As an engineer, I can rely on a skilled team to get the job done.

Steph Liptrot
Mechanical Engineer
Vynova Runcorn


IMPROVE is the third cornerstone of our foundation. An organisation such as Vynova must be open to change and continuous improvement.

With an innovative mind-set and new ideas, we can work more efficiently, improve our products, and optimise our services.

Vynova Laboratory

We’re continually improving the quality of our products. The better our products, the better it is for our organisation.

Yohan Vergnes
PVC Pilot Plant Operator
Vynova Mazingarbe


RESPECT is the fourth cornerstone of our foundation. Respect not just for our colleagues, customers and suppliers, but also for our neighbours, communities and the environment.

Through respectful interactions with our surroundings, we can continue to grow as an organisation and keep earning our license to operate.

Vynova Operator

Working together in an open and respectful way: that’s what makes Vynova a great place to work.

Lou Van Hees
Deputy Shift Supervisor
Vynova Beek